All Your Technique to Influence Your Divot

Taking a divot with irons is a byproduct of your impact conditions (Angle of Attack, Dynamic Loft, Club Head Speed, Swing Direction, etc.) and the turf conditions (grass type, firmness of turf, moisture level, etc).

In general, we often see Tour players take larger divots while amateurs may struggle to take any. Whether this is good or bad depends on your technique and ball flight preferences (whether you like to hit draws or fades) to a large extent. A good coach can help analyze your performance and make a recommendation.

However, as a general statement, understand that the slower your club head speed the shallower your swing should become and less divot you should take. The faster your swing speed, the more divot you can take. So, while you might think it would be cool to take a beaver pelt divot off bent grass like a Tour player, if you do not have the speed and impact conditions to support it, adjusting your swing to create such a divot may not be the best option. In fact, many amateurs would actually benefit from shallowing their swing, thereby often reducing the amount of divot they take.

Two of the greatest ball strikers ever, Jack Nicklaus and Greg Norman, did not take much of a divot due to their technique and ball flight preferences. The key to recognize is that the divot is mostly a byproduct of your technique and club speed. Get those right, and you’ll take the correct divot for you.