I do a lot of work with the Philadelphia PGA HOPE program. It is a program for Military Veterans and Wounded Military Veterans, so I understand having to work around possible physical limitation.
First thing I always do is ask the student if they have any physical limitations that we need to pay attention to. We don’t want to do anything that may aggravate an existing problem.
From there I will see if they have any restrictions on their swing; if so we will address it.
If I have to evaluate I like to check see their ability to rotate their body. I have them get into posture, put their hands/arms across their chest in an X and then see how well they rotate.
Next I like to see how much flexibility the have in their shoulders, how high can they lift their arms standing straight up, then in there golf posture.
Next step is to see how flexible their hamstrings are, can they touch their toes, or how close can they get to touching their toes.
Lastly we may check to see how their balance is. Can they stand on one foot at a time an hold for at least 10 seconds.
I don’t need to do this with every student, just ones that appear to have a some limitations. If they have any issues I suggest some stretching exercises that should help them improve.