If that individual enjoys the game, he or she should contact a qualified PGA Professional or certified golf instructor

The solution is simple. If that individual enjoys the game, he or she should contact a qualified PGA Professional or certified golf instructor and invest an hour developing basic fundamentals of the short game. A good instructor will head them in the right direction, and with some practice, anyone can build a solid short game.
Personally, I can not accept someone saying they can’t do anything, especially something as simple as pitching a ball onto a green.
We work with persons with both physical and mental disabilities, and they are able to meet the challenges around the green just fine.
I do not accept fees from my students unless they walk away with confidence in their swing, method, and ability to manage around the green. Our goal is shared by all qualified and committed teachers of the game. We strive to make the short game a solid and satisfying part of golf.