I believe training under mentors is critical to success in most any field, especially golf instruction and coaching. I have been beyond lucky to have two high-profile and extremely successful golf teachers mentor me from an early age.
I started teaching golf under the Jim McLean Golf School umbrella, naturally, Jim became a great mentor and still is today. He has instilled in me the value of being prepared and the passion of studying the great players and a variety of swing techniques.
Next I was able to teach golf for Rick Smith at his Academies and eventually became his personal assistant at PGA Tour events and for his personal golf schools and corporate clinics. Rick mentored me in getting the most out of our students mentally and emotionally. Rick also helped me grow my own confidence as a coach and person.
Before those two major influences I had two other equally important golf and life mentors, my high school golf coach, Mr. Cute, who made it obvious to me that golf was going to be my career and provided me the opportunity to excel as a player.
Finally, one of my early Head Professional bosses was Steve Napoli, Steve always tells me the tough answer even if it’s not what I want to hear, he demonstrated a full commitment to the industry, his club members, and his staff.
Find mentors that will help you grow in all aspects and don’t be too proud to take their advice.