Teach more with Verbal Cures

I think that this is a really tough time to teach without spending quality time together. We have been forced to social distance because of the pandemic that is going around. When teaching we are so used to touching the student and moving them or the club they’re are using. That has stopped. We can’t see them anymore.

I now keep in contact by using text, email, or face time. I have sent my students a video of me showing them how to download the V1 Golf App, how to video, and then send me a swing. After receiving the swing I will analyze the swing and then send them back a fix with drills. With the video I send them we have developed a language they understand. I have learned how my students relate to swing mechanics differently. I have learned to speak their language and use their language to develop certain cues to help with their swing problems. I can do this in a text, email, or V1 video analysis.