The tests that I perform to determine a student’s physical limitations are designed to expose what prevents my students from getting into the proper golf swing positions.

The tests that I perform to determine a student’s physical limitations are designed to expose what prevents my students from getting into the proper golf swing positions. My main test is the “toe touch test.” I get my player to bend at the waist, from a standing position, with both legs straight, and show me how far they can go in an athletic attempt to touch their toes. This exposes tight hamstrings and is the main reason for poor address posture and early extension on the down swing. From a static perspective, when a player has tight hamstrings, it is difficult for them to address the golf ball athletically. From a dynamic perspective, tight hamstrings cause the player to lift up, on the downswing and “cast the club.” This is know as “early extension.”

The fix for tight hamstrings is to practice this simple “at home stretch,” every day!

The Toe Touch stretch: sitting on the floor, straighten both legs in front of you with your feet together and your knees locked. Elongate you’re spine and slowly lean forward, bending at the hips. With your arms outstretched, reach for your toes. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Relax and repeat this two more times; and do this exercise daily. In only a few days, every athletic golfer should be able to touch their toes!

Golfers who are interested in my Golf Fitness Stretching Book, “From The Ground Up,” can e-mail me at: [email protected].