The two who really stand out are Hank Johnson and Scott Davenport.

Like most Golf Professionals, I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors who have taken the time to invest in me and my career but the two who really stand out are Hank Johnson and Scott Davenport. Both were Golf Digest Instructors while also working at the NorthRiver Golf & Yacht Club in Tuscaloosa while I attended the University of Alabama. Hank was the Director of Golf and Scott was the Head Golf Professional.

Watching them impact others thru golf in such a positive way made me realize that I could be around the game I loved, have a positive impact on people and make a living as a Golf Professional. They showed me how important relationships, professionalism, high standards and attention to detail were to being successful in this business. They also taught me the importance of teaching and playing the game and how that adds credibility to our role as golf professionals. Lastly they pushed me to do things well and take a leadership role in all aspects of the business. I’m forever grateful to both of them!