There are three books that are important if you love the game of golf, want to understand it better, and have a desire to become a good player! ( I define a good player as a person who gets the most out of their given ability and is satisfied with their own personal performance.)
1. Golf in the Kingdom, Michael Murphy, 2. How to become a complete golfer, Bob Toski with Jim Flick, and 3. Swing the Clubhead, Earnest Jones.
Golf in the Kingdom is a great story and everyone including most tour players, who has read the book can relate to it. Skip the epilog!!
Bob Toski is the all-time greatest golf instructor. ( I define a great teacher as a person whose sole purpose is to sincerely help you do better at whatever you are trying to do! Heart and soul! No pretense, no filter, no fancy theory, no fancy accent, no terminology or want of personal gain. He simply wants you to play and enjoy the game better.)
This is straight stuff on how to develop a solid golf game! Read the book!
Earnest Jones( recommended by Toski) compels you to realize that the golf swing takes about a second and a third, and you need to think of it as one whole motion, similar to throwing a ball. Not a bunch of parts and pieces, controlled and manipulated, and put together in that small amount of time.
“Feel it, don’t think it” is a huge step to becoming a good golfer.
As always enjoy the journey, play well, and have fun out there.