Insight from Marc Brady on
Fixing the chicken swing starts in the backswing!
The dreaded “chicken swing” often is a result of an improper backswing. Players in an attempt to “hit from the inside” roll the club to the inside (under the plane) in the backswing. This results in the downswing getting “over the plane” and coming “over the top” which makes the arms come into impact too […]
One fix is to keep your shoulders closed until impact and your back to the target longer
Toe hits are typically similar to the “over the top” pull slice shot….a player will swing over the top (arms swinging too far left for a RH golfer) with an open face causing the toe to make contact first. One fix is to keep your shoulders closed until impact and your back to the target […]
Make a Plan!
#1. Loss of distance – #2 Mis-Hits and #3 They know they need professional help. In this social media age too many people try to learn from Instagram, You Tube, etc. and they try whatever they see or hear. By helping them understand that like any endeavor they must have a plan for long term […]
Impact is where it’s at!
The Impact Bag by Gary Wiren is the best! Isn’t it all about impact & this bag shows you the perfect impact position every time … plus… u don’t have to overthink it!
It’s not about keeping your head down!
We hear constantly from our friends & golf buddies to “ keep your head down” when coming up out of the shot… it’s really is “stay in your posture” … maintain your tilt of your chest over the ball until your arms help bring you up. Too often people stay down too long when being […]
Knuckles down!
In order to get into supinated a RH player should allow their arms to swing freely to the right ( don’t start your downswing with your shoulders or upper torso) while feeling that their left hand knuckles are turning down into the strike compressing the ball which should start slightly to the right of your […]
During down time its so easy to lose your “feel” of your swing. Doing just 15 minutes a day of the drills that keep you “in touch” with your swing can keep you sharp when you get back on the course. If you don’t have some drills in mind I suggest the following (1) Feet […]