Chad Krawczyk - CK Golf Instruction
I have been teaching golf for almost 8 years now. I created CK Golf Instruction with two ideas in mind. Becoming an independent teacher and being the foundation of the MakeGolfSimple Movement. Golf instruction has become so complex and over the top. The average everyday golfer doesn’t need or want that. So let’s keep it simple and easy!
How old were you when you got started in golf and what eventually pulled you into becoming a golf professional?
I was 13 when I started playing golf. It started when a group of my friends where going golfing and I didn’t want to see at home bored. I asked my grandfather for some clubs (he has multiple sets) and off I went. From playing with my friends to graduating to Sunday morning tee times with grandfather. I quite the high school football team and joined the golf team. From there the rest is history. I fell in love with the game and realized I wanted to be involved with in anyway I can.
How do you stay current with the latest developments in teaching methods?
I’m always reading the latest articles or watching videos on teaching methods or ideas. But I have found just like these people putting the information out there. It’s all trial and error. Something that works for one person may not work for another. So I like to think I take all the information in but maintain my style and methods of teaching while including these new developments if I feel they are long lasting.
What are 2 trends in golf that you’re excited about?
I’m excited to see how many younger golfers are playing the game.
The future of golf lessons are charging, I have partnered with the GolfPro App and I can now give online live lessons to golfers all over the US not just Pennsylvania!
Do you specialize in teaching any facets of the game?
I do not specialize in one facet.
I believe it is important to be strong in all facets of teaching.
What sets you apart from other golf professionals?
I make golf relatable and simple. Make Golf Simple is not just a slogan it is my way of teaching and I live and die by that.
What’s the most exciting thing on the horizon for you personally or professionally?
I have partnered with the GolfPro App to give live online real time lessons. This app is the first of its kind. No other teaching app out there offers live real time lessons with immediate feedback!
Download the GolfPro App and book your next lesson with me and get your golf game in the right direction!
What has been your most challenging experience with a student and how did you handle it? How did you overcome it?
The most challenging experience so far for me was my first online lesson. I was not sure how I would be able to speak to a student without physically showing them how to make the changes.
I make sure to explain things simple and always ask the student if they understand before moving on.
Do you actively play competitive golf? Any recent bragworthy performances you’d like to share?
I have not played competitive golf this year. I am hoping to make a return to competitive next season.
Is there a highlight from your career in golf that stands out above the rest?
I have had the opportunity to give golf lessons to many different golfers. All different skill levels and age ranges. Within that I was given the opportunity to give golf lessons to some retired Steelers plays and I thought that was such a cool experience.
Any advice for someone considering pursuing a career as a golf teaching professional?
Stick to your thoughts and philosophies.
Be different, teaching can be so one sided these days. Make sure you find a way to set yourself apart!
Anything else you’d like to comment on while we have you?
Download the GolfPro App and book your next lesson with me!