Feel the hand action

The hands should hold the club and wrists should keep the hands of the player connected to the arms!
I’m being sarcastic, but hopefully making a point!

Simply feel the proper hinging action of the hands and wrists as a result of swinging the club and feeling the weight of the club head. A great and simple drill would be to make a continual swinging motion, half way back, halfway through around waist high. With proper grip position and pressure, you should feel and see a 90 degree angle at the waist high position. (thumbs up, thumbs up on each side) Do this ten times in a row without stopping. Feel this action and your in the neighborhood, and on your way to becoming a better player.
Consciously and deliberately manufacturing hinging the hands and wrist action is a recipe for disaster!!! Feel it , don’t think it!!!

Go well, Play well, Have fun out there