The best way to help your golf game is to play the game as much as you can, then work on the thing that prevents you from Achieving what you want.
The best “players” play allot. The “learning aids” are not accessories or tools or gadgets. If there was one aid that Helped people allot, is hitting balls with a heavy iron or heavy driver to obtain proper sequence and smoothness of movements. We did it with lead tape stuck on the back of a used 7 iron and a couple year old driver not in use. Distance was not the purpose, proper sequencing was the goal and it worked. After that is done go to a normal 7 iron, swing a few times without a ball till a similar feel of sequence is felt then go back and forth between the heavy and the normal clubs. This is for practice session only, not before play. One noticeable bonus result over several weeks not intended was an increase in club speed!