Improving your backswing improves 1/3 of your total ball striking skill foundation! 

The length of swing arc on the backswing is considered a preference. There is no such thing as a fundamental standard of backswing length. If a backswing is shorter and possesses a good turn, it can provide power and efficiency. Some examples of shorter backswings with good turns are: John Rahm, JB Holmes, Allen Doyle (past Champions Tour multiple winner) and  Steve Stricker.

A poor turn, and a long backswing would be highly inefficient and problematic. This is a common flaw of amateur golfers who are excessively wristy to a fault and break down at the elbow joint. This is what I refer to as a “loose backswing“ and loose backswings create loose golf shots. This can be easily rectified by performing some of my neuromuscular, patterning drills and exercises. By using our Handy speed/strength trainer, you cannot only improve your backswing, but your flexibility and Clubhead speed at the same time. Because you cannot see your backswing and rely on habit, the backswing can be very difficult to change. Attempting to change a backswing while hitting balls on a driving range can be extremely frustrating, costly and time-consuming.
Good swings and shots start with a good set up for the given shot, a good backswing for the given shot, and a good forward swing for the given shot. With this in mind, improving your backswing improves 1/3 of your total ball striking skill foundation!

Kirk Jones, president/CEO, Golf fundamentals, Inc.
Author of the Professional Golf Teachers Association of America Teaching manual and “Golf Fundamentals” series