Random Practice vs. Block Practice

We often hear from students that they have it grooved at the range but it doesn’t translate to the course. Many of the golfers I encounter utilize block practice where they may hit the same club 20-30 times in a row before switching. I encourage my students to randomize their practice in a few different ways:

1) constantly change the target, both directionally and distance wise, to gain more feel and to increase your engagement in setup and shot execution
2) mimic on course play where you may play a few imaginary holes in your mind or even an entire round – Tee off with driver, then hit a 7-iron and if you miss your target even in a little chip or pitch before going to the next “hole”.
3) in a lesson standpoint, I’ll make a game out of it with my student and either get them to vary the distance by asking for a different length swing or calling out the target before the swing.