Shorter Swing is Key to Control & Consistency

I think most golfers can experience a few benefits from a shorter backswing. It is much easier to control the distance and the overall flight of the golf ball from a shorter swing. In particular when hitting into the wind, a full swing will often create too much spin and balloon the ball.

Golfers will also find they will become more consistent ball strikers from both less margin of error and stopping the tendency to over swing. It is much easier to make consistent golf swings and strike the ball the same with a 80% back swing vs a full back swing.

A great way to practice this is to go to a shorter par 3 and hit your normal club and then hit stronger clubs with shorter swings and you will develop a feel for how far each club travels. This can also be done on a range. I think golfers would be surprised how much more consistent they will strike the golf ball do this.