Our golf course is still pretty busy, although we closed the grill. We’ve made the standard adjustments like; turning the cup upside down (so you don’t have to reach into the hole), removed the rakes, made checking in easier, only reason to come inside is to use the restroom, etc. etc. As far as teaching goes, we’ve also moved checking in outside, stopped giving high fives, smaller groups etc. etc.
In Pinehurst the golf demand is still high from locals but the hotel/resort/spa business has shut down. Frankly, our number of rounds is about the same it would be normally. Golf is unique as far as an activity during the Rona virus scare because it lends itself to social distancing for obvious reasons of safety. If your buddy can’t hit you with a 6 iron you’re probably not going to catch anything from him.
Our prayer is for a speedy recovery for those physically affected and also a speedy recovery for all those fiscally affected.